New / Open Positions

The Booster Club is excited to be charging fast into our 2022/23 school year! We have some big new ideas and we need YOUR help! There’s been people who mention they want to help, but just aren’t sure how. We have a few positions we’d like to fill for this year. Please see below and contact Laura McConnell via email ( and let us know if you’re interested or have questions. If we don’t have volunteers we can’t do all these great new things! Sorry in advance it’s so long, but we want to make sure you know the opportunities!

Junior Stampede Chair (or co-chairs) – This is a NEW club we’ve created for our younger Mustang supporters. Kids 6th grade and younger can be members and we have a lot of exciting plans for this group. We’d like someone(s) to manage the group, help plan events, communicate to the members via email, etc. This is a new club so there’s a great opportunity to share your ideas and make it something awesome! This would be an annual position and engagement would be needed throughout the full year.

Sponsorship Drive – We’d love have a person or two who will take ownership of reaching out to our local businesses, spreading the great things we do and gaining support from our corporate sponsors. This is a position where your new ideas and growth is always welcome! We’ve got amazing partnerships with our businesses in town and we want to foster those and gain new ones! This time commitment would be year round, but heavy in the August – November timeframe

Homecoming Stencil Coordinator– Have you seen the stencil on the driveways that get sprayed each fall? We’d love someone to take that on. Help organize the stencil ordering (we have a great contact), get the spray paint, coordinate the volunteers / schedules to go spray. It’s a short lived responsibility as it comes and goes quickly each fall!

Cake Auction Chair (or co-chairs)– We’ve held two annual cake auctions and we have it down to a pretty good science, but we’d love someone to own it and continue to grow it as much as we are able. This event happens at a home basketball in the Jan/Feb timeframe each winter. The time commitment on this would be from about mid December – March.

Web Design Assistant – We have an amazing technology coordinator, Mike Bynum, but we’re continuing to grow our website and add things to it, so if there’s someone who’s willing to jump in and learn about the tools (WordPress) and the add ins we’re using (it’s kinda fun and honestly not too hard) that would be awesome. We just need someone with the time and interest to learn about it and continue to grow our capabilities with what Mike has launched for us.

The Yard Sign Challenge (putting yard signs in and having people donate to move them) This would take coordination of printing up signs, getting “teams” perhaps to move them nightly for a few weeks. So, it’d be a short lived 1-3 month role depending on plans.

Homecoming Tailgate – possibly setting up a tailgate outside the stadium prior to the homecoming game. This is very new, so planning and ideas are very raw and would be needed still. The commitment would be Aug – Homecoming.

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